פורום ארץ הצבי

שרון חישוב אנליטי.
Israeli101 (שבת, 20/08/2005 שעה 8:02)

שרון חישוב אנליטי.
(הכתבה באנגלית, יסלחו לי הפעם העורכים)http://forums.washingtonpost.com/wpeditorials/messag...
PM Sharon's ideology hasn't flinched!? it's realism
and adaptation that made him one of Israel's greatest
Generals. It's the realization that disengaging from
Gaza and it's 1.4 Million Hate observed Brian washed
Arabs, would create opportunities well worth the agony?

Dropping those 1.4 Million Arabs from the demographic
equation, leaves Israel with a Jewish majority for the
foreseeable future, further more, counting on the fact
that in all eventualities Israel will soon disengage in
Samaria & Judea as well, pulling back to behind the separation 'wall',
creating an area that encompasses 80% of Jewish Settlement in Judea & Samaria,
Including United Jerusalem, as part of Israel, solidifying the Jewish majority for all times.

All this, while gaining world sympathy and support, in wake
of Israel's great territorial sacrifice, creating the necessary
positive world atmosphere in favor of Israel in the new borders described.

Most Arabs, more likely then none, will grind teeth commit suicide acts of barbarism,
this time, ALL in vale, as Israel has no more to give,
EVEN if it wanted to, as the alternative is a Jewish Civil war!!
In time, Arabs too will learn to leave with this reality, and perhaps then,
Peace will grace upon the Land.

Sharon’s analytical thinking, over came his emotions, and has taken the world
(And many Israelis!) by surprise, the same surprise that Arab armies witnessed first hand
so many times in the past!!

מערכת פורום ארץ הצבי אינה אחראית לתוכן תגובות שנכתבו בידי קוראים.