פורום ארץ הצבי

(נכתב בתשובה לסתם אחד, 16/06/09 18:15)

סתם אחד (יום שלישי, 16/06/2009 שעה 18:54)
בתשובה לסתם אחד

Dear Rabbi Dr. Morton H. Pomerantz,
Your comments are a prime example of what is wrong with American jews as far as Middle East politics are concerned: your response to President Obama's actions and speeches of recent days is a paranoid diatribe worthy of jews who consider the wonderfully complex and culturally layered world of today a place of immanent danger for the jewish people, instead of the open arena of cultures and languages that it is for those with open minds and the courage to live, and not, as your comments suggest, a self-imposed Jewish Gheto, in which a deteriorated moral and religious principle enslaves the very people it seeks to free and protect.

I am really trying to be kind to your awfully ridiculous response to President Obama's recent words. Where the rest of the world sees hope and unity, for the first time in a decade, you yourself find insecurity and holocaust. Where the rest of us find comfort and guidance, you find distrust and fear. Let me suggest, my paranoid friend, that the insecurity, distrust, and fear that you find in President Obama's words are a true reflection of your own insecurity, fear and distrust, and have little to do with the real world of today.

People get sick and die. Nations fight wars and get destroyed. Are you really convinced, my dear Rabbi Dr. Morton H. Pomerantz (have I forgotten anything?), that your paranoid schyzophrenic discursive convulsions are indeed the panacea for the Jewish People's troubles? I would start first by healing, what clearly is my own troubled soul, and only then advance to offering advice to others. Physician, heal thyself! 

מערכת פורום ארץ הצבי אינה אחראית לתוכן תגובות שנכתבו בידי קוראים.