פורום ארץ הצבי

(נכתב בתשובה לאבו גמילה, 12/03/08 17:58)

אבו גמילה : האמת מהקוראן
Israeli101 (יום שישי, 14/03/2008 שעה 5:36)
בתשובה לאבו גמילה

למענך בתרגום אנגלי - שמע הערבי זר באוזניך!!

Sura 17-104
And thereafter We said to the Children of Israel: 'Dwell securely in the Promised Land.
And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd,''' the Koran says in The Night Journey.

Sura 7 –137. We took a Nation(The Israelites), considered humiliated and poor,
and made them inherit (waratha, in Arabic) the Land Israel) that we blessed)
They inherited it’s East (Jordan River) and West, by Allah’s words of grace,
to the sons of Israel, as they endured.

Sura 5 – 22 to 26. Then Moses spoke to his people: Oh my Nation, recall Allah’s grace
upon you, as he appointed Prophets and Kings within you, and submitted to
you what has never been given to anyone on earth but you(Israelites), my people.
Enter the holly land, which Allah gave you.

Sura 17:7
The Palestinians deny that there ever was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. But Sura 17:7 records
the destruction of the First Temple by Babylon and
the Second Temple by Rome, and Mohammed never contests the Bible's claim that the Temples were in Jerusalem.

אם קשה עליך הבנת האנגלזי - אתרגם עבורך לעיברזי ?

תקשיב לבת עמך הערבייה וואפה סולטן:

מערכת פורום ארץ הצבי אינה אחראית לתוכן תגובות שנכתבו בידי קוראים.